Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Let the European people decide

Berlin EU summit ends up with a declaration that doesn't give any voice to the European citizens in the Constituent process.

After the national referendum in France and in Netherland every future change in the European Constitution or Treaty should be legitimate by the European people. It's not possible to accept Angela Merkel proposal to have a quick intergovernmental conference - behind closed doors - to design some little change and that's all. NO it's not acceptable.

This is not the right way to build a democratic Europe.

The procedure to change the Constitutional Treaty should include the European Parliament, the national Parliaments, the European Commission and not only the Governments. A new European Convention with a sharp mandate will make a shared proposal about a revised Constitutional text.

And the final approval should be given to the European citizens through a pan-European referendum held the same day in all European countries during the next European elections.

If you think this is right please support and sign the petition for a European referendum on the following web site:

If you have any comments about this post or you think differently or you are against this issue please react and start a fruitful discussion.

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